本文共 3201 字,大约阅读时间需要 10 分钟。
Nmon 工具是 IBM 提供的免费的监控 AIX 系统与 Linux 系统资源的工具。该工具可实时监控系统性能,也可以将服务器的系统资源耗用情况收集起来并输出一个特定的文件,并可利用 excel 分析工具进行数据的统计分析,非常利用 UNIX 或者 Linux 系统的性能数据分析。
|h = Help information q = Quit nmon 0 = reset peak counts |
|+ = double refresh time - = half refresh r = ResourcesCPU/HW/MHz/AIX |
|c = CPU by processor C=upto 128 CPUs p = LPAR Stats (if LPAR) |
|l = CPU avg longer term k = Kernel Internal # = PhysicalCPU if SPLPAR |
|m = Memory & Paging M = Multiple Page Sizes P = Paging Space |
|d = DiskI/O Graphs D = DiskIO +Service times o = Disks %Busy Map |
|a = Disk Adapter e = ESS vpath stats V = Volume Group stats |
|^ = FC Adapter (fcstat) O = VIOS SEA (entstat) v = Verbose=OK/Warn/Danger |
|n = Network stats N=NFS stats (NN for v4) j = JFS Usage stats |
|A = Async I/O Servers w = see AIX wait procs "="= Net/Disk KBMB |
|b = black&white mode g = User-Defined-Disk-Groups (see cmdline -g) |
|t = Top-Process ---> 1=basic 2=CPU-Use 3=CPU(default) 4=Size 5=Disk-I/O |
|u = Top+cmd arguments U = Top+WLM Classes . = only busy disks & procs |
|W = WLM Section S = WLM SubClasses) |
| Memory -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Physical PageSpace | pages/sec In Out | FileSystemCache |
|% Used 93.8% 34.3% | to Paging Space 0.0 0.0 | (numperm) 44.3% |
|% Free 6.2% 65.7% | to File System 0.0 257.9 | Process 18.2% |
|MB Used 1786.0MB 175.8MB | Page Scans 0.0 | System 31.4% |
|MB Free 118.0MB 336.2MB | Page Cycles 0.0 | Free 6.2% |
|Total(MB) 1904.0MB 512.0MB | Page Steals 0.0 | ------|
| | Page Faults 279.9 | Total 100.0% |
|------------------------------------------------------------ | numclient 44.3% |
|Min/Maxperm 361MB( 19%) 1443MB( 76%)
|Min/Maxfree 960 1088 Total Virtual 2.4GB | User 58.4% |
|Min/Maxpgahead 2 8 Accessed Virtual 0.9GB 40.1%| Pinned 28.6% |
| 0----------25-----------50----------75----------100
|CPU User% Sys% Wait% Idle%| | | | |
| 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0|> |
| 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0|> |
| 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0|> |
| 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0|> |
|Physical Averages +-----------|------------|-----------|------------+
|All 0.2 2.5 0.7 96.6|> |
| +-----------|------------|-----------|------------+
| Top-Processes-(147) -----Mode=3 [1=Basic 2=CPU 3=Perf 4=Size 5=I/O 6=Cmds]-----------------------------|
| PID %CPU Size Res Res Res Char RAM Paging Command |
| Used KB Set Text Data I/O Use io other repage |
| 1908868 0.8 30508 29764 132 29632 2 2% 0 3 0 secldapclntd |
| 2306196 0.7 512 512 0 512 0 0% 1 8 0 trclogio |
| 2732116 0.6 2520 0 0 0 0 0% 0 33 0 |
| 340036 0.2 1416 296 72 224 0 0% 0 0 0 dtgreet |
-f spreadsheet output format [note: default -s300 -c288]
-s between refreshing the screen [default 2]
-c of refreshes [default millions]
-t spreadsheet includes top processes
具体信息nmon -h
例如:nmon -f -t -s 30 -c 120
-s 30:每30秒进行一次数据采集
-c 120:一共采集120次